9 responses to “No Logo by Naomi Klein

  1. Jo

    Your comments on Klein’s book (which I have not yet read) reminded me of how I felt after reading Tannen’s book “The Argument Culture.” I don’t know if you’ve read it or not, but I had my critical thinking class read it – and Herbst’s book “Rude Democracy.” Both books address the idea that discussion in the U.S. often falls into a debate situation/attitude that can disallow real communication. Herbst addresses this by offering her observations on Obama’s rhetoric, Palen’s actions (and hidden actions), while Tannen beats her ideas until they should not be recognizable – but, unfortunately, still are.

    I truly enjoy your reviews.


  2. It’s strange, isn’t it, that editors didn’t suggest a revised edition, ten years on – it would have made a lot of sense and brought the book up to date. The central thesis still holds, of course, although one could argue that Klein is now a very big brand herself…..Thanks for bringing the anniversary to my attention.
    Books Now! http://www.dinaross.com.au


  3. Good review. I remember finding No Logo a bit knotty and slightly patronising in places, though her intentions are undoubtedly good and she knows what she’s talking about. I thought her other book The Shock Doctrine was great though, really valuable in understanding how governments use perceived disasters, both natural and terrorist-originated, to push through radical reforms that would otherwise be politically unpalatable.


  4. NIce to see that someone else has seen some of the flaws in Klein’s book. You are much kinder than I was (if you care you can see my take on it at http://wp.me/pOKtY-f7). I think Klein suffers from lacking a framework. She’s clearly outraged. She has also clearly become part of the problem jetting about to TED conferences and finding conspiratorial problems under every stone. The Frankfort school scholars would not have found her becoming a brand unusual; I think they would have predicted that capital would find a way to co-opt Ms. Klein and make a handsome profit from her criticisms.


  5. ivanoiurares40

    Reblogged this on TheSlashDash.


  6. It’s just scary to think of how social media has completely turned lives all around the world onto their sides. Nothing makes this clearer to me than the huge knowledge gap between generations when it comes to technology–I’m computer savvy, my parents know about half of what I do, and my grandparents have trouble locating the power button.


  7. Sounds like a great book. I think we were born into a society where ads are just part of everyday life, so we take it for granted and we don’t see how much power it has and how influeced we are by it. A totally necessary reading, I think.


  8. TBM

    A brainless moron–I am not! Well, some might think so, but that’s besides the point. Sounds like an interesting read.


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